Introduction of a pond for encouraging the development of aquatic fauna in Basaldea (Vitoria-Gasteiz)
The Basaldea improvement project includes sundry measures such as the planting of swathes and fields of flowers for pollinators and increasing and diversifying hedgerows that act as corridors of biodiversity.
One of the steps that has already been taken involves the provision of a pond to favour the development of the fauna that live in aquatic habitats. A former watering hole has been uncovered that was once used by local livestock, but after being abandoned it had dried up and become completely overgrown.
Once the seasonal water cycle has been consolidated, this site will be included as one of the sampling points for the community science programme for the preservation of aquatic insects, especially dragonflies. This will provide information on the development of these species of insects.
This project is being undertaken within the framework of action C.4.2: Key green infrastructure for improving the link between the city and countryside and the country’s resilience to climate change.